Featured Artist
Each month the Sculpture Northwest Board members select a member artist to feature - to promote their mutual love of sculpture and artistic expression.
Francie Allen - Featured Artist March 2021
Francie is a dancer and an artist, and these two worlds meld to create her unique sculptures. After moving up and down the West Coast in her adult life, Francie now lives in Bellingham. She models her works after the flow of the human figure. Mostly working with wire netting and paper pulp as her sculpting materials, she often uses projected light, or objects like chairs, to bring her figures into the viewer’s dimension.
Monkey King Has Visitors
Penelope Crittenden - Featured Artist February, 2021
By bringing a child-like sense of wonder to her work, and putting that spirit into the stones that she hand-carves, Crittenden is able to express her love of animals and nature in her sculptures and limited edition bronzes. She works from the Freeland art studio on Whidbey Island.
Pride of the Village